Sunday, April 5, 2015

Christ Centered Easter

Story with Symbols 
I don't want my children to grow up thinking Easter is about a bunny or and egg hunt. It's about the Resurrection of our Savior. So I read this story to them and find symbols of Chris within the story and represent them on the table so they can lift them up when they hear it. HAPPY EASTER everyone!

Jesus is the Son of God our Savior and redeemer because of him death is not the end and life takes on new meaning.
We can change, start over, we can live again with god This Easter we can celebrate his life and discover all that is possible because of him.

Easter Treats 


The sun rises over the vast city scape of Jerusalem, lighting the white limestone walls of the old city and creeping over the building just north the walls.

A garden sits undisturbed.    Shortly a throng of tourists will sit just overlooking the garden. Some will decent the steps to the lowest point in the garden, quietly tucked in the

 garden set in stone and stare reverently in the carving of the tomb. You will see a sign on the door,
 He is not here HE IS RISEN
God sent Jesus to earth to teach us a better way to live. Even though his ministry only lasted 3 years, his teaching has affected billions of people and lasted over 2 millennia. The greatest gift Jesus gave to us was his life.  He paid the price for our sins, died on the cross and rose from the dead.
Providing a way for each of one us to return to God and live with him someday.
The night before his death, Jesus visited a garden called Gethsemane. Just east of the walls of Jerusalem, leading his apostle at the edge of the garden he trod through the dewy grass and passed gnarled olive trees.
He had prepared his entire life in his moment, carefully following his Fathers commands at every step of his life and every breath he took. Now the time had come… now as he prayed, “Father if it be thy will remove this cup from me.”
being in agony he prayed more earnestly. His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
He accepted that this was his burden and his alone to bear. He was the only one who could free us from the awful consequences of our sins.
 In the coolness of the night, he knelt and began to pray, he willingly took upon himself our sins and sorrows. Suffering in body and spirit for ALL sin, every sadness, each mistake, and every imperfection for EACH single person who came to earth!
The pain was crushing, exquisite, and infinite…blood oozed from his pores as this impossibly heavy weight cause him to tremble with pain.
Sometime in those seemingly endless hours, the pain ceased. If only that were the soul burden he had to bear...
As Jesus rejoined his disciples at the edge of the garden, they watched the glow of torches steadily approaching.  Faces of people armed with swords and staffs, were flickering menacingly in the torch light.
In the middle of the crowd emerged Judas. Jesus’ own apostle. “Master”, Judas said…and kissed Jesus on the cheek.
Betrayest thou the son of man with a kiss?” Jesus asked Judas.
And they clothed him with a purple cloak and a plaited crown of thrones. And put it about his head they began to salute him;
Hail king of the Jews! The cruelties’ of the next few days have echoed throughout the ages…The cries of “crucify him” as he stood before pilot. His wrists bound like a common criminal.
Each lash of the whip, laced with bones and metal tearing the flesh from his back. Once, twice even thirty-nine times. The purple cloak sopping his blood as the soldiers pressed a woven circle of thorns into his scalp. The spitting, the cries of anguish, the blows of the hands, the insulting derisive cries.
 At the summons of Golgotha SOLDIERS Stretched Jesus’ arms on a wooden cross. Their hammers clanged dully as they drove thick nails into his palms and wrists.  Sharp hot pain shot through Jesus’ body. The wood grazed the bloody beatings on his back.
As his body rose, onlookers saw the truth; the Jews mocked him with a plaque written above his head that said…
Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews.
Tired, sweaty, bloody, Jesus did only what a redeemer could do. He forgave his murderers, and comforted the criminals suffering next to him, and trusted in his Father.
When his sacrifice was complete, Jesus willed himself to die as only the son of God could do, and gave up the ghost. But his death wasn’t the end. It was the greatest gift for each and every one of us!
MATT 28    The empty tomb in the Jerusalem garden is a reminder of the women who so loving cleaned, anointed, and wrapped his body. They came to observe the body, but it was gone and in place were two angels.
He is not here, he is risen!    The door on the tomb repeats that phrase.
Because Jesus Christ is the savior of all mankind it’s possible for each of us to live with God again.

Luke 24      The first day of the week after he rose. Mary Magdalene came to the sepulcher to bring spices which they had prepared. And they found the stone and it was already rolled away.
They entered in and found not the body of Jesus. He is not here for he is risen.
Remember what he said in Galilee? Have ye any meat? And they gave Jesus, fish and honeycomb. And he took it and they did eat.
He ate because he wasn’t dead, and he wasn’t just a spirit, he has a body of flesh and bones like you and me.
Let us all rejoice this Easter, for Jesus lives!

What’s the greatest gift?
How do you feel that Jesus died for you?
Why did he die for us?         
Image result for resurrection rolls Symbol for the Empty Tomb

Symbol for the the CROWN OF THORNS: I just melted chocolate chips with peanut butter and dumped Chinese crisp noodles in it. 

Feel free to substitute your own symbols and be creative. HAPPY EASTER, I love my Savior for atoning for me and all of my sins and sorrows!